In Earth’s far future, the Great Mainframe oversees all. The rich live utopian lives, thanks to mega-mogul Tono Trankkule's life extending nanotechnology. But wealthy Anton “Prince” Prosper lusts for more. Assisted by geneticist Madame Kabala and her stunning son Steffan, the scientist labors on his private island to perfect his invention: Attomons, super-nanos that endow eternal life and youth.
An impulsive act of revenge leads to a horrific disaster on a global scale. As the Red Death rages without, Prince Prosper's gothic mansion becomes a haven for a number of survivors. Anton and Steffan’s tempestuous dance of love, death and strange redemption plays out amid the most glamorous, sinister masquerade ball ever held.
Come experience the gripping story and memorable music of this tale in its rendering as a motion comic!
Wendy Pini
Art, Animation, & Lyrics
Gregory Nabours
Music, Orchestration, & Lyrics
Anton "Prince" prosper iv
Performed by Michael Scott Harris
Pronouns: He/Him
Male – late 20s – Omnisexual
Mysterious, obsessive, charismatic, arrogant, aristocratic, brooding, heart of gold beneath a cold exterior
Heathcliff meets Victor Frankenstein
Steffan Kabala
Performed by Michael Thomas Grant
Pronouns: He/They
Male Presenting – 25 – Gay
Steffan is glamorous, feminine but not effeminate, intense, hot-headed, beautiful and uses it. He is also deeply romantic, dangerous, and loves not wisely, but all too well.
Gives a Dark, Wuthering Heights Cathy vibe.
Performed by Elle Deran
Pronouns: She/They
Non Binary – age unknown – Pansexual
Puckish and presents as a blue-skinned, androgynous female. Flamboyant, cheery, motherly, affectionate, bossy, full of deep caring
Very much a Petite RuPaul type!
Madame Kabala
Performed by Debbie Prutsman
Pronouns: She/Her
Female – Older than she'll ever tell us – Bisexual but prefers men.
Gorgeous, sexy, highly intelligent, showy, wicked sense of humor, sinister, devious, ruthless, intimidating, amoral, uber-diva!
Think Cruella Deville meets Mommie Dearest!
Fronda Trankule
Performed by Stephanie Renee Wall
Pronouns: She/Her
Female – 19 – Bisexual
Smart, hot tempered, spoiled, rich Daddy’s Girl, sassy, funny, surprisingly un-snobbish, and goes through a huge arc and then rises to the occasion!
Daryel Mirrin
Performed by Daniel Stewart
Pronouns: He/Him
Male – 20 – Bisexual
Athletic, upbeat, direct, great judge of character, gentle and kind up to a point. Has a strong moral compass, is sincere, and an expert tech with farm boy roots.
Tono Trankule
Performed by Gregory Nabours
Pronouns: He/Him
Male – robust middle aged – cisgender
(but has tried everything)
Hardboiled mega-mogul, more cunning than smart, thuggish, gets what he wants, respects nothing and no one. He is greed personified!